High-tech Gadgets and Bike Rides

Jackie Woodruff

Nov. 17, 2014

This morning I tested a brand new piece of GPS equipment to see how accurate it was. I configured it at my desk with the latest software and then I jumped on my bike and took it to a nearby provincial Survey monument buried in a concrete slab at a nearby park down the road.

I had found the exact coordinates for the survey monument online so I knew that if the device was working properly it should record the exact same coordinates if I put the GPS on top of the monument. Sure enough, the device averaged within about 50cm of the location of the monument. Satisfied I rode my bike back to the office,  put together a map that I loaded onto the device, added a form for collecting data and attributes and gave device to my colleague, an environmental engineer to go use out on the project site. Though this is definitely not what my morning looks like every day, I thought that it was pretty cool to be able to play with high-tech gadgets and ride my bike as part of my job.

Ryan Sutcliffe, GIS Technician

Stantec (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada)

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